Publisher description
Vrtual Tour software,developed as a friendly and professional virtual tour tool,can launch into the creation of outstanding customized virtual tours,use hotspots,panoramas,google map,thumbnail,map,include sounds and videos,add your graphic templates and much more. Mainly Feature: [+]GoogleMap is supported. [+]Map is supported. [+]Button Component is supported. [+]Flash Component is supported. [+]Video Component is supported. [+]Thumbnail Component is supported. [+]SceneControl Component is supported. [+]Radar Component is supported. [+]Hotspot Component is supported. [+]Component Action is supported. [+]Project Management is supported. [+]Flash 9,10,11 is supported. [+]Spherical,cubic,cylindrical and flat image is supported. [+]Object list is supported. [+]Popwindow is supported. [+]Image Component is supported. [+]Combox Component is supported. [+]Flash Component is supported. [+]Video Component is supported. [+]Html5 Publish is supported. [+]Drag Resource is supported. [+]Multi Tour is supported. [+]Polygon Hotspot is supported. [+]Popwindow Action is supported.
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